19Years old Girl eats nothing but Margherita pizza For Past 8 Years

Sophie Ray,the 19 year old girl from Wrexham,Wales has been eating nothing but only Tomato and Cheese Pizza for the past eight years.She has not had a proper meal since she was two years old after she suffered from rare condition called Selective Eating Disorder(SED) which means she has phobia of food leaving her in fear to try new dishes apart from Pizza.

Following her illness when she was 2 years old where she was struck down by a stomach bug,Gastroenteritis,she beagan to fear food apart from cheesy pasta,chips and lemon curd sandwiches.

By the time she was 11 years,she would eat nothing but only piping hot plain pizzas with no additional toppings and sometimes she even  grabs three pizza a day as breakfast,lunch and dinner.

'I love Pizza,each brand offers a new flavour,but its all the same food so I dont have to try new foods.'said Performing arts students.

'I began selective eating when I was two. My mum said after I was ill, I became frightened to eat, I thought food had caused my illness.

'I began eating cheesy pasta or chips and then moved on to lemon curd sandwiches, which I ate every day for four years.

'I plucked up the courage to try pizza when I was 11 and I’ve eaten it every day since - sometimes I have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

'If I don’t have chance to eat pizza before I start college, I go all day without eating, because there’s nothing else I can eat, so I wait until I get home and have one or sometimes two pizzas.

'It has to be cheese and tomato and it has to be cooked, I can’t eat it cold and I can’t have any toppings on it.'

This 19 year old girl has not touched any fruits or vegetable in years and she further says that eating varied meal will only make her sick.Sometimes, occasionally she tries pasta and chips and sometimes packet of onion and cheese crisp but now she is solely at the mercy of junk food and even slight variation in diet can make her sick.

She said: 'The thought of trying other foods makes me very anxious, I feel sick and really clam up.
'The taste the texture even the smell of some foods can make me gag.

'A lot of people think I’m just a picky eater but SED is a phobia. Asking me to try new foods is like asking someone who hates spiders to hold one.

'The more ingredients a food has in it the more terrifying I find it, a full English breakfast would be my worst nightmare, I feel really sick just looking at one.

Miss Ray visited Specialist 2 years ago which help to reduce her fear over trying new food to some extent but she is still unable to add new food to her diet.

'My favourite pizza is Pizza Express but I also like Dominos and supermarket pizzas, I eat all brands of pizza as long as it’s cheese and tomato.

'I can have a pizza from ASDA and it will taste really cheesy and then have one from Pizza Express which has more flavour from the tomatoes.

'But if a pizza had any other ingredient on it, I wouldn’t be able to eat it. I wouldn’t even be able to pick it off.

'Selective eating disorder makes me feel quite low, I get depressed at times and going out for meals with family or friends is a nightmare, so I often don’t go.

I know my diet isn’t doing my health any good and I’d really love to eat normally but it’s really hard to change my diet after eating like this for so long.'

Nutritionist Carina Norris said: 'This is by no means a balanced diet, she's going to missing out on a lot of vitamins and minerals.

'Her health care team is going to have to work with her to gradually introduce different food into her diet. This is definitely a problem, not just a fad.

'She could start with different toppings on pizzas. She needs to start as soon as possible, however, because what you eat when you are young has huge effect on your health in later life.'

Chuck The Boxer Dog Goes Crazy When He sees his master Returning from 8 months long absence

Chuck the Boxer is the latest Canid to become a youtube celebrity with nearly 1600,000 views since it was uploaded on march 22.

Three video of Chuck has already hit the youtube and it is one of the hottest commodity on the net.Latest video shows,Chuck jumping out of the car as soon as he noticed his master returning from  his eight months absence.The Vehicle license plate starts with BB which could be location near Boblingen in Germantown near the European headquaters for the marine cops.

With the words from soldier's wife Katie 'Daddy's home!'thats when Chuck realizes that he is going to get suprise visit from the soldier and as soon as he finds that,he jumps from the trunk of SUV and welcomes his master with excitement.Seems Like Chuck couldnt endure 8 months long absence of his master and he finally knocks him with unhibited joy.

Latest Video Of Chuck giving a Warm Reception On Parking Lot

Watch Chuck Greeting His Master In this First Video

Chuck Playing with 5 months old Baby Girl 

Lu Zhihao - World's Fattest Kid

Lu Zhihao - World's Fattest Kid

Lu Zhihao who is just 4years old, 63 kg(136 lbs) but just 3 feet and 7 inch tall(1.1 m),is China's Heaviest Baby or may be the world. The result of is Obesity is due to hormone imbalance.

"Yum,yum,yum,yum.I like to eat fish,” he said, as he eats his dinner in his home at china. With China's economy escalating amid rampant urbanization and growing Industrialization, more and more middle class families has been raising more pampered children like Lu Zhihao,bring obesity in high number in china.

World's Fattest Kid
Zhihao's mother often finds difficulty in bathing him as his fats roll up

World's Fattest Kid

World's Fattest Kid

World's Fattest Kid

World's Fattest Kid

World's Fattest Kid

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao takes shower with the help of his mother

World's Fattest Kid

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao plays with his friends in his school

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao  Wrestles with his mother as she approaches him for a bath.

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao sleeps with his friend during a noon break in Foshan,Guangdong Province

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao  shows his empty rice bowl after lunch in his school to his teacher

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao  taking a short nap after a hard day at school

World's Fattest Kid
Lu Zhihao walks with his parents in the street of china

"Little more than 20 years ago many people, even in china's richest cities were struggling to feed themselves; now they are struggling to lose weight," writes Paul French and Matthew Crabbe in their book “Fat China: How expanding waistlines are changing a Nation."

With economy blooming means rising income and better living standard, along with one-child policy since 1970 means that even middle class family can fulfill most of the demand of their one child. A single child with richer parents and grandparents and apart from them comes aunts and uncles all keen to spoil them. Some of the experts have even described this as the "Little Emperor "syndrome. Walking along the street of Chinese towns, Restaurant and fast food like McDonald or Kentucky Fried Chicken are on rife.

"Obesity is a problem for the wealthy, newly emergent middle-class consumers, “writes French and Crabbe.
Zhihao mom often admits that her son often throws tantrum if he is denied food as this toddler sulked on a sofa after he was refused a packet of biscuit after dinner.

His mother who works at the factory in the PearlRiver Delta states" He has difficulty moving up and down stairs. He needs help getting on the bus that takes him to the childcare center. It’s also difficult to bathe him because of the rolls of fat."

On the other hand, his father who works in fish farm adds “Of course I worry about him. Basically his legs can't support his weight...his heart is also under pressure of the heavy load,”


8 Years old and 20 Cigarette Per Day

8 Years old and 20 Cigarette Per Day

Aldi IIham from Sukabumi,Indonesia became the latest underage smoker to get international coverage. Just
Eight Years old and he smokes 20 cigarettes a day. He has been smoking since he was four years old. This
is just an example among the one third of Indonesian children who smoke before they reach the age of 10.
Now this young smoker is receiving help in order to get out from this addiction but the health of this young boy has already been seriously affected by regular smoking.

Recently, series of photos were published where 2 years old Ardi Rizal was seen smoking. His 40 smoke a day habit has made such a serious problem in his health that he now struggled to move by himself. In Indonesia it's not illegal for any child to buy and smoke.

Aldi IIham from Sukabumi,Indonesia  has been smoking since he was 4 years old.He usually smokes 20 cigarettes per day.

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has committed $220 million in order to reduce tobacco use in countries with highest number of smokers. The new Commitment will help to allocate $600 million since 2007 to his eponymous charity. 'Tobacco kills every day, so we need to keep the fight moving forward and keep the momentum going,' Bloomberg said in a statement.

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg  is committing $220 million towards reducing tobacco in the countries with highest number of tobacco user.

A Young Smoker : A Boy smokes which he asked from the man next to him at sangke grassland in Xiahe,western China's Gansu Province.China is one of the countries where Michael Bloomberg
 has targeted to launch hid anti-tobacco campaign. 

A mother in India smokes with her newly born baby in India.India is also in the list of largest number of tobacco user worldwide.

No Smoking : Quit Smoke , Quit Death.

Aldi IIham from Sukabumi,Indonesia health has already been seriously damaged due to smoking.

Ardi Rizal.a two year old smoker from Indonesia smoked 40 cigarette a day.Even though he quit smoking,he has not been able to walk by himself due to affect from tobacco.

China, India, Indonesia, Russia and Bangladesh are the largest tobacco user in the world. Tobacco alone account for the death of 6 million people worldwide each year according to the report of World Health Organization, Moreover most death are usually reported from Low and Middle Income Countries.

Real-life Rapunzel, 12,plans to cut and sell her hair for whopping £ 3,500

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair'
You might have read this idiom in Fairy tale Book or seen In the Rapunzel Animation movie but in the street of impoverished shanty town In Rio De Janeiro,Brazil, You can hear this fairy tale idiom for real. Natasha Moraes de Andrade, a twelve year old girl, has her hair so long as 5ft 2in that she has been typecast-ed as real life Rapunzel. She has never cut her hair and standing only feet tall than her Rapunzel hair, she finally agrees to cut the hair and sell it for  £ 3,500 to be made into extension. She further requires using a full bottle of shampoo to wash her hair every week. She spends Four hours per week washing her hair and another hour and a half is needed to brush it everyday. Making things even more interesting she has to carry her hair while walking.

Her family member cannot even switch on the fan despite 40 degree of heat as her hair gets caught in the fan. Her mother Catarina Moraes de Andrade, 42, has been often told not let her daughter's hair to be cut as it was long and thick. But after the hair has been obstructing her life and freedom, her mother urges to cut the hair.

Mrs Moreas de Andrade said: 'At the moment she is like a prisoner. She just goes from school to home again.

'She can't do anything else, like sports, because her hair gets in the way. The school told me she should get it cut so she can have her freedom like other girls her age.

'People stare. Sometimes, they call out at Natasha in the street and try to touch her hair.
'We spend about about £400 a year on shampoo, which is a lot of money for us.
'I've let her keep it this way because she likes having such long hair, but the time has come to get it cut.

Natasha once has been offered £ 1,750 for her hair but now she hopes to make more.
She said: 'I love my long hair and I'll be sad when it's gone. But it's a pain looking after it.
'I can't do a lot of things, like P.E. lessons at school.
'I hope to sell it for £3,500 and refurbish my bedroom. I hope it can give me a new life.'

Weird Images Discovered in Google Maps

Some Scary , Interesting and astonishing Picture captured seen on Google Maps.Check out some of the Pictures down below.

Lake outside Iraq's sadr city full of blood just like in old Testament where Moses demonstrated the magical glory of God in front of King Ramses II

Strange formation of Black cloud appears in the city of Italy.

The Image of Son of God Jesus Christ can clearly be seen in the field of Hungary.

Shape of  Native American Indian can be seen in mountainous terrain in Alberta, Canada

Cars appeared to be parked in the wall in Westenbergstraat, Netherlands

This is US Navy camp but looking from distance clearly seems to be the trademark sign of Nazi.

This is 200 feet Mammoth size knitted Rabbit in the filed  in Piedmont, Italy

Whats the Plane doing among the trees in Brooklyn ?????

15 months old Baby Girl orphaned by tornado dies on Monday

'Angel's reunited with her family': Grandfather's tears for tragic orphaned toddler who was blown 300 yards into a field, as she dies of her injuries

Toddler found alone in the field died on Monday while the rest of her other four family already were killed in devastating tornado on Friday.

15 month old Angel Babcock of new pekin, Ind was taken off life support after doctor declared that there was no hope of her survival. She was still opening her eyes at Kosair children Hospital in Louisville Friday night where doctors were in hope that she will survive.However, things didn’t went well on Saturday as the swelling on her brain didn’t showed any sign of improvement and her health continue to deteriorate as the day passed on, Further, Her brain didn’t showed any activity.As, there was no sign of her survival, the extended family members opted to end life support and 15 month old child died thereafter.

"Angel has been reunited with her parents," her grandfather, Jack Brough, said in a statement. "We want to thank God for all of you and for your thoughts and prayers. God will bring you and all of us out of this. This is what it will take. All should look to God."After the demise of this baby girl, the total death toll across the five states reached to 39.

At Peace:15 Month old Angel Babcock suffered severe brain injury and died after she was taken off from life support today at Kosair Hospital,Louisville,Kentucky.

Tragic Loss : Angel Babcock's Sister Kendalla Did not survive

Angel Babcock's Parents Joseph Babcock and Moriah Brough who died on Friday Tornado.

Angel's Older Brother Jayden

A heart full Condolence to Angel Babcock who died on Monday after she failed to show sign of survival

15 Months old Angel Babcock Dies in hospital after being thrown 300 yards by tornado


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Indiana And Kentucky Tornadoes 2012