Chuck The Boxer Dog Goes Crazy When He sees his master Returning from 8 months long absence

Chuck the Boxer is the latest Canid to become a youtube celebrity with nearly 1600,000 views since it was uploaded on march 22.

Three video of Chuck has already hit the youtube and it is one of the hottest commodity on the net.Latest video shows,Chuck jumping out of the car as soon as he noticed his master returning from  his eight months absence.The Vehicle license plate starts with BB which could be location near Boblingen in Germantown near the European headquaters for the marine cops.

With the words from soldier's wife Katie 'Daddy's home!'thats when Chuck realizes that he is going to get suprise visit from the soldier and as soon as he finds that,he jumps from the trunk of SUV and welcomes his master with excitement.Seems Like Chuck couldnt endure 8 months long absence of his master and he finally knocks him with unhibited joy.

Latest Video Of Chuck giving a Warm Reception On Parking Lot

Watch Chuck Greeting His Master In this First Video

Chuck Playing with 5 months old Baby Girl 

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