15 months old Baby Girl orphaned by tornado dies on Monday

'Angel's reunited with her family': Grandfather's tears for tragic orphaned toddler who was blown 300 yards into a field, as she dies of her injuries

Toddler found alone in the field died on Monday while the rest of her other four family already were killed in devastating tornado on Friday.

15 month old Angel Babcock of new pekin, Ind was taken off life support after doctor declared that there was no hope of her survival. She was still opening her eyes at Kosair children Hospital in Louisville Friday night where doctors were in hope that she will survive.However, things didn’t went well on Saturday as the swelling on her brain didn’t showed any sign of improvement and her health continue to deteriorate as the day passed on, Further, Her brain didn’t showed any activity.As, there was no sign of her survival, the extended family members opted to end life support and 15 month old child died thereafter.

"Angel has been reunited with her parents," her grandfather, Jack Brough, said in a statement. "We want to thank God for all of you and for your thoughts and prayers. God will bring you and all of us out of this. This is what it will take. All should look to God."After the demise of this baby girl, the total death toll across the five states reached to 39.

At Peace:15 Month old Angel Babcock suffered severe brain injury and died after she was taken off from life support today at Kosair Hospital,Louisville,Kentucky.

Tragic Loss : Angel Babcock's Sister Kendalla Did not survive

Angel Babcock's Parents Joseph Babcock and Moriah Brough who died on Friday Tornado.

Angel's Older Brother Jayden

A heart full Condolence to Angel Babcock who died on Monday after she failed to show sign of survival

15 Months old Angel Babcock Dies in hospital after being thrown 300 yards by tornado


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Indiana And Kentucky Tornadoes 2012