Princess Diana Found Alive and In Wheel Chair

According to Rumor Princess Diana survived the car accident and All the Story Of her Car crash and her death was made up by no other than herself. Several Years Ago Grassy Knoll Institute posted a photo Of Princess Diana alive after her Fatal Car accident. Grassy Knoll Institute stated that Diana was not dead and she very much alive and is seated on wheel chair as she is recovering from the wound.

The evidence says that Princess of Wales made-up her own death not only to end her relationship with her husband prince Charles but with the entire royal family. Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her Car accident and the child was certainly not of Prince Charles.And we also don’t know the father of Child.

Today speculation has it that Princess Diana has made full recovery and is secretive contact with her two children, William and harry. Sources even say that Diana was present at the time prince William and princess Kate Middleton Wedding ceremony. Here is the hint. As William is reciting his vows, he makes a gesture, turning his head or hand to signal his mom Diana that he knows she is present there not as a spirit but physically.

Chinese Boys Are Innocent

Where Is The Money ?????

Let Me check Your Pocket 

Give me the Money Otherwise I will beat you !!!

Just give me what U got 

Thanks and Dont Call the Cops

Cyclops Shark

Cyclops Shark

In this world Of Photoshop and many tools that can easily produce hoax images and videos including aliens, yeti and mysterious creatures it is hard to differentiate the true and hoax creatures. However the Cyclops shark found on October 2011 is no hoax.cyclops shark sliced from the belly of pregnant shark captured by commercial fisherman in the Gulf of California this summer is all said to be genuine. Shark researchers have examined the unusual creature and its single eye is made of functional optical tissue and however this strange creature would have survived the womb.

Shark researchers examined and x-rayed the preserved shark to verify that it was no hoax

A close-up of the shark's single eye, made of functional optical material.

A Mexican fisherman caught the Cyclops shark's mother near Cerralvo Island in the Gulf of California and was surprised to find this strange creature inside, along with several normal embryos.

The shark researchers who examined the catch know of no environmental contamination that would have caused the shark's deformities. Most likely, the embryo was an accident of genetics.

Such embryonic deformities are rare, and the shark likely would not have survived outside the womb.

The shark had other deformities beside its single eye, including albino coloring and the absence of nostrils

Adulterous husband stand in the street

A husband was forced to stand in busy street with a sign saying " I cheated this is my Punishment".

William Taylor (Not his real name) stood on busy street of their hometown of centreville, Virginia with a sign after his wife found out that he has been cheating. Taylor said his wife came up with this humiliating punishment after she found out the evidence on his mobile phone that he has been cheating. His wife wanted him to stand with a sign for a week but after a couple of hours he received the call that his punishment was over and could return home.

"I thought she was kidding, but she was serious" - he said

"I figured I got to do what I got to do to make things right so here I am"

According to Taylor his wife found him texting Intimate pictures of himself to another woman on the cell and later he confessed and asked what he has to do to prove his love for her and later she came up with this unusual humiliating idea.Taylor expressed regret for his external marital affair and he was willing to do anything to prove his love and get his wife back.

He started his punishment at 9 am in the morning and later received a call saying that his punishment was over and he could return home.

Giuliano Stroe - The Strongest Six Pack Kid

Giuliano stroe youngest Muscular Boy from Romania is a 7 year old gymnast who has been lifting weights and learning gymnastics since he was 2 years of age.

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

 In 2009 he made his name in the Guinness Book of world record after setting world's fastest ever ten meter hand walk with weight ball between his legs. Soon this Video was uploaded On YouTube and He instantly Became Internet sensation.

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

 In 2010 He again broke the world records for maximum number of air pushups under the condition that feet should not touch the ground. Giuliano stroe's father said he was taking his son since he was born but not to push him too hard. Giuliano stroe admits that the all much hyped celebrity things has not gone to his head and he lives his normal life like any other seven years old normal kids like paintings and watching cartoons.

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store