Cyclops Shark

Cyclops Shark

In this world Of Photoshop and many tools that can easily produce hoax images and videos including aliens, yeti and mysterious creatures it is hard to differentiate the true and hoax creatures. However the Cyclops shark found on October 2011 is no hoax.cyclops shark sliced from the belly of pregnant shark captured by commercial fisherman in the Gulf of California this summer is all said to be genuine. Shark researchers have examined the unusual creature and its single eye is made of functional optical tissue and however this strange creature would have survived the womb.

Shark researchers examined and x-rayed the preserved shark to verify that it was no hoax

A close-up of the shark's single eye, made of functional optical material.

A Mexican fisherman caught the Cyclops shark's mother near Cerralvo Island in the Gulf of California and was surprised to find this strange creature inside, along with several normal embryos.

The shark researchers who examined the catch know of no environmental contamination that would have caused the shark's deformities. Most likely, the embryo was an accident of genetics.

Such embryonic deformities are rare, and the shark likely would not have survived outside the womb.

The shark had other deformities beside its single eye, including albino coloring and the absence of nostrils

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