Giuliano Stroe - The Strongest Six Pack Kid

Giuliano stroe youngest Muscular Boy from Romania is a 7 year old gymnast who has been lifting weights and learning gymnastics since he was 2 years of age.

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giuliano stroe/giuliano store

 In 2009 he made his name in the Guinness Book of world record after setting world's fastest ever ten meter hand walk with weight ball between his legs. Soon this Video was uploaded On YouTube and He instantly Became Internet sensation.

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

 In 2010 He again broke the world records for maximum number of air pushups under the condition that feet should not touch the ground. Giuliano stroe's father said he was taking his son since he was born but not to push him too hard. Giuliano stroe admits that the all much hyped celebrity things has not gone to his head and he lives his normal life like any other seven years old normal kids like paintings and watching cartoons.

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

giuliano stroe/giuliano store

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