Extremely rare colour photos of U.S. troops before and after D-Day show World War II in brand new light

Nearly after 70 years after world war II,very rare photos of the days leading up to and after the historic D-Day invasion have been put on display.

 Images were being taken during Operation Overlord, the code name for the Battle of Normandy and June 6 invasion’s success also has been put on display.All the Images has been photograpphed by Frank Scherschel.

Prisoners: American troops stand guard behind German soldiers captured near the town of Le Gast during the Normandy invasion

Life at war: The heavily damaged city of St Lo, France

A Soldier eats dinner atop some ammunition prior to the Battle of Normandy

An African-American soldier stacks gas cans prior to the D-Day invasion of France

Dining out: American troops eat a meal set on top of boxes of ammunition amid preparation for the D-Day invasion of France

Glory: French women and a little girl pose with a group of American troops shortly after they forced German soldiers out of the area

Journalists ride in a parade after the liberation of the country

Victory: Crowds line the street to greet American soldiers after the liberation of Paris by Allied forces

Maintenance: A crew works on an American P-47 Thunderbolt fighter plane in a makeshift airfield in the countryside following the invasion of Normandy, in August 1944

Ruins: A bombed-out Palais de Justice is shown in front of a heavily damaged fire engine in the town of St Lo, France, shortly after the D-Day offensive

Vivid: The full-colour photographs show American forces in the days leading up to the historic Normandy invasion, nearly 70 years ago

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