"Chun Chun" Pictures of China's Heaviest New Born Baby Weighing 15.5lbs

Twenty Nine year old mother from city of Xinxiang in china's Henan province has set record for the heaviest baby born in china weighing 15.5 pound. The baby was born just after the start of lunar New Year, the year of dragon. The delivery lasted around 20 minutes and baby has been named "Chun chun " and born in such auspicious day of lunar new year, the baby is considered as “little dragon ".

Wang yujuan, 29, told that her pregnancy with the "little dragon” was different than her now 6 years old daughter."I clearly felt that my body was more clumsy than when I had been pregnant with my daughter.My belly was bigger than it was then"."I guessed the baby would be between ten and eleven pounds.I never expected to hear that he weighs 15.5 pounds."

According to Guinness World Record, the title for the heaviest birth goes to baby boy born in 1879 in Ohio where the baby weighed whopping 23 pounds & 12 ounces at the time of birth. However, baby had its last breathe just after 11 hours after his birth.

Chun Chun, a baby boy born weighing 15.5 pounds in Xinxiang, central China at birth, is the heaviest Chinese baby on record in China

Chunchun is pictured with the proud and delighted father

According to a recent study, what causes high birth weight is the baby's genes, or genes shared between mother and child; in other words, the chance a baby will weigh more at birth is greatly increased if the mother gains excessive weight during pregnancy

The 29-year-old mother Wang said that she felt something different with this pregnancy than with her first pregnancy of now 6-year-old daughter

Wang stated, “I clearly felt that my body was more clumsy than when I had been pregnant with my daughter. My belly was bigger than it was then, I guessed the baby would be between ten and 11 pounds. I never expected to hear that he weighs 15.5 pounds”

Chun Chun's mother delivered the super-size baby by Caesarean section in a local hospital in Xinxiang city, Henan province on Saturday which lasted around 20 minutes

The couple also has a six-year-old daughter who weighed just over 4kg when she was born. Shang Lili, head of the obstetrics department at the hospital where Chun Chun was born, said the baby was "twice as heavy" as a normal newborn

Previously, China's heaviest known newborns were three other babies born between 2008 and 2010 who weighed exactly 15.4 pounds

Tags : 
the heaviest baby born,heaviest newborn,heaviest baby at birth,15 pound baby,chun chun,chang chun chun, 15 Lb Baby , 15 Pound Baby , 15 Pound Baby China , 15 Pounds Baby , 155 Pound Baby Chun Chun China , 155pound Baby , Amy Duggar , Big Baby , Big Baby Born , Chinese Mom Gives Birth To Heaviest Baby , Global Motherhood , Mom Gives Birth To Huge Baby , Woman Gives Birth To Massive Baby , Worlds Heaviest Baby 23 Pounds , World News,the biggest baby ever,biggest baby ever