world longest hairs

World's Longest Hair

Xie Qiuping Of China Currently Holds The Tile of World's Longest hair In Female and she is also the current world record holder for the longest hair according to the Guinness book of world record.

Xie Qiuping started growing her hair since she was 13 years old but still she manages to keep her long hair clean and beautiful.She has assistant or helper to carry her hair when she walks.She is the real life Rapunzel I guess.

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the longest hair in the world

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the longest hair

longest hair in the world

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the world longest hair

Guinness world records longest hair

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the world record for the longest hair

the person with the longest hair in the world

the woman with the longest hair in the world

girl with the longest hair in the world

world record of longest hair

woman with the longest hair in the world

Guinness world record longest hair

xie qiuping

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woman with longest hair in the world

girl with longest hair in the world

longest hairs in the world

world record for the longest hair

person with the longest hair in the world

Guinness book world records longest hair

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xie qiuping longest hair

Guinness longest hair

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longest hair in the world women

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