Liz Murray - Journey From Homeless to Harvard

Elizabeth "Liz"Murray is an Insipirational Speaker who is better known as being a homeless in her youth and overcoming the obstacles to achive success.

liz Murray \ elizabeth murray \ murray liz

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

liz Murray born in the Bronx located in New york to poor and drug addicted family who were both contracted with HIV AIDS.At the age of 15 she became homeless and her mother also died Of AIDS and after her mother death, Her father moved to a Homeless shelter In Manhattan.She startedHer High school pretty late than most of the student at their age and she remained without a stable home while she also has to manage and support her sister.Liz murray graduated in only two years and she was awarded the New York Times Scholarship and was also accepted into Harvard university,matricualting in the fall semester of year 2000.

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

After joining Harvard University for one year she left the university in year 2001 to care for her sick father and  she started her motivational speaking. however she resumed her education at colombia university to be close with her dad.In th year 2006, her father died of AIDS and later she returned to harvard univeristy in 2006 and graduated in june 2009.

She is the director and founder of manifest Living.Manifest living is the company that does a series of workshop which empowers adults and youths to create the extraodinary things in theie lives.

liz Murray elizabeth murray \ murray liz

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