Man creates real life Hobbit house complete with working water wheel (and one-car garage)

It has slanted walls, rounded doorways, an undulating roofline and soon an operating water wheel.
But constructing what residents in Bainbridge Island, Washington see as a 'Hobbit house,' is a 6.1ft tall man.
'A lot of it was learn-as-you-go,' Chris Whited told the Kitsap Sun of his 1,200-square foot house seen under construction from the roadside by often curious and astonished passersby.

'I didn't know how some of the corners would come together. I thought, "We'll worry about that when we get there,"' he said of his handiwork.

The 59-year-old contractor said he decided to build the house after trying the fanciful design on a henhouse and a playhouse for his grandchildren.

No hobbit: Building the home is no hobbit himself but Chris Whited, a 59-year-old contractor who stands at 6ft-1in
After much success with those, albeit both labour and lumber intensive, he started laying the home's foundation a little over a year ago.Since, he's chipped away at it using whatever spare time he can get.

Every last detail: Mr Whited is seen working on the newly installed water wheel, an item that he plans to fully work, emptying its contents into a future pond

Underway: Mr Whited's water wheel is seen under construction, something he feels adds a little magic or charm to the house
He says the work would go faster if he didn't get so many visitors driving up and asking questions, but they always serve as a good reminder for him to break.

A one bedroom featuring a living area, garage and bathroom, the home also features a covered porch in the backyard.Adding a red spinning wheel to its side, Mr Wited said he plans to have water run from its top down into a pond at its base, something he shares his wife thinking he's a bit crazy for doing.

'I think it adds a little magic or charm to the place,' he said of its addition.Choosing to share his masterpiece with others, Mr Whited said once finished he plans to turn the home into a vacation rental.

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