Who is Ram Bahadur Bomjon "Buddha Boy"

The rules of Nature can neither be changed nor be challenged and when it comes to Human’s physical form, it is deeply guided by the simple truth that no man can live without food and water. If we are to challenge this law to some extent and search the history then even superior being like Gautam Buddha succeeded to survive for 49 days without food and water under Bodhi tree in search for enlightenment.

Looks like history have once again repeated as Twenty two years old Ram Bahadur Bomjon born on April 10, 1990 in Ratnapuri village, Bara District of Nepal is believed to have undergone fasting for more than 6 months during the Year from 2005 to 2006.

Among the 5 sons and 4 daughters, Bomjon was the third son born to Poor Farmers.His mother Mayadevi who also shares the similar name as that of Gautam Buddha’ Mother shares the Childhood memories of Bomjon as he was very peaceful and was fascinated seeing holy person in the streets. In fact, Bomjon was different from other children around his age as he barely spoke and spent most of the time alone meditating. From the age of five, he only ate what was left over and if there was none then he would stay hungry. He spent most of the time meditating, reading scriptures and worshiping the pipal tree as these seems to give him pleasure.

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