Maria Hose Cristerna - Mexican "vampire mother"

Maria Jose Cristerna A real Life Vampire who is also known as Mujer Vampiro or Vampire Woman ,Maria  Jose a 35 years old Mexican Mom of four turned to body modification after years of domestic abuse from her husband. She was trained lawyer and she is from deep religious family background who married at the age of 17.

Maria Jose Cristerna has tattooed almost 100% of her body including her private parts and she also has titanium 'horns' implanted into her skull and dental implants that give her 'fangs'.

Maria Jose Cristerna said " The horns I have are symbol of strength and were implanted without anaesthetic .I had fangs done because I loved vampires as a little girl and I changed the color of my eyes so they were how I really wanted them to be. " she further adds" Tattooing is my way of being immortal, of really being a vampire and not dying - leaving my work on other people's skin"

Despite being a Real Life Freak she claims to be living a 'normal life' at her home in Mexico

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 

Maria Hose Cristerna 


  1. Anonymous: Satan marks his stuff.

  2. This is absolutely horrible!! Why would anyone do this to themselves? She was a very beautiful woman. Now, she is just disgusting!!!

  3. wow. someone get her help.

  4. i think she looks awesome, and what you say doesn't matter because she wants to be that way, and as long as she likes the way she is your opinions don't affect her.

  5. It's her right to disfigure herself, I just hope she doesn't move here to Massachusetts and go on welfare or SSI when she can't find a job or gets an infection.

    1. she's a former lawyer and current tattoo artist.

  6. She looks awesome very sexy and certainly individual

  7. How in the hell do u think this freak is sex? U need medication!

  8. I think clearly this woman has been through tremendous brutality from her ex-husband. I feel like he stripped her of any independence or self-esteem. She might have even tried to cover up scars with tattoos. This eventually evolved into her own powerful re-invention of herself. I truly wish her satisfaction and peace. She is a free-spirited warrior. God bless her and her children.
