giants giants

A giant femur (thigh) bone found reportedly found in Turkey.
Assuming this find is legitimate, the owner of this bone would have been close to 20 feet tall,
Comparable to some of the ancient reports of giant bones found in Mexico.

The world's tallest couple of record, posed for this picture with friend Lei McFarland.

A strange people intruded into the St. Lawrence Valley around 2,000 BC, huge, rugged, very tall,
with massive skulls, very round-broad heads. 

During the first of five expeditions to Mongolia, Roy Chapman Andrews photographed this seven-foot-five-inch (2m 13cm) man in 1922 in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar—but that wasn’t the explorer’s biggest find. In an automobile caravan following the ancient routes of Genghis through the Gobi desert, Andrew’s party discovered one of the world’s richest dinosaur fossil fields, featured in the June 1933 and July 1996 issue of the GEOGRAP

Big Gust, 7' 6" - postcard cancelled 1914, Crantsburg, WI

This model, sculpted by Joe Taylor,
Of a giant human femur (leg bone) is a popular exhibit at Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum.
The sculpture is mounted over a drawing to scale to show how large this person was.
There really were giant humans!

Russian giant, Machnov; 7' 11", 1882-1905


Fossilized giant discovered in 1895 by Mr. Dyer during mine activities in County Antrim, Ireland.
In the photo (published by the British magazine "Strand") it is compared to a goods wagon. The main measures were: total height 12ft and 2 in (3.70 m), thoracic circumference 6ft and 6in (1.97 m), length of arms 4ft and 6in (1.37 m), weight 2 tons and 112 lbs (2050 Kg). The right foot had six fingers. After various legal debates to determine the ownership, nobody knows what happened to the giant and to his owners

This petrified finger found in cretaceous limestone, belonged to a "prehistoric" human. Broken short of the middle joint, it measures 7.6 cm (3 inches). At full length it would measure about 15 cm (6 inches). In the photo, it is compared to a regular full-length finger. An excavation of this limestone has also revealed a child's tooth and human hair.

Sectioning reveals the typical porous bone structure expected in a human finger. Cat-scan and MRI identified joints and traced tendons throughout the length of the fossil.

This 140-pound stone was recovered in July 2000 from the bank of a creek that feeds the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, 53 miles south of Fort Worth, Texas. The impressions show the dinosaur passed along the track after the human, indicating man and dinosaur co-existed. The fossil may be viewed in Dr. Carl Baugh's Creation Evidence Museum.

This giant footprint contemporary with dinosaurs was also found in Dinosaur Park at Glen Rose. Pictured with my foot, it exceeds 45 cm (18 inches) in length. The cross-sectional cuts determined by compression studies that it was a woman's footprint. Estimates indicate her stature approximately 305 cm (10 feet) and 454 kg (1,000 lbs). Several strata of human prints with dinosaur prints have been excavated in this park. According to Dr. Carl Baugh, the archeologist who coordinated the excavations, these strata were laid down during the first few days of Noah's flood when water levels were low enough to allow daily tidal changes to form layers of mud so fleeing creatures could seek higher ground— the upper strata showed no prints. 

Obviously the people who lived contemporary with dinosaurs were intelligent, and the footprints indicate that they were quite human, as the large toe on primates is located close to the heel to facilitate clinging to branches. 

Dr. Hilton Hinderliter of Apollo Campus Pennsylvania. State University, studied the evidence presented at the Glen Rose, who excavations and stated: "I would have to say that the belief in evolution is in a state of terminal illness but its death will only be admitted by a new generation of scientists whose minds have not been prejudiced by the type of education now prevalent in the nation's public schools, an education which starts with the belief that evolution has happened, which interprets all evidence according to that faith and simply discards any evidence which cannot be fitted into the evolutionary framework" (Quoted from "Dinosaurs" by Dr. Carl E. Baugh, 1987. Promise Publishing Co., Orange, CA 92667). 

This interesting photograph is of a hammer found in similar strata. It's iron head and wooden handle are solidified in sandstone. Metallurgical studies show that it was constructed of a type of iron that could not have been made under present atmospheric conditions. It is believed that before the flood our atmosphere was compressed to approximately twice its current density, and no ultraviolet radiation. 

In June 1934, the Hahn family discovered a rock, sitting loose on a ledge beside a waterfall outside of London, Texas. The site primarily consists of 75-100 million years old cretaceous rock. Noticing this weathered rock had wood protruding from it, they cracked it open, exposing the hammer head. To verify that the hammer was made of metal, they cut into one of the beveled sides with a file. The bright metal in the nick is still there, with no detectable corrosion. The unusual metallurgy is 96% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur (no carbon). Density tests indicate exceptional casting quality. 

The density of the iron in a central, cross-sectional plane shows the interior metal to be very pure, with no bubbles. 
Modern industry cannot consistently produce iron castings with this quality, as evidenced by test results that show bubbles and density variations that have caused pump and valve bodies to break. The handle eye is partially coalifed with quartz and calcite crystalline inclusions, oval shaped, and roughly 1" x 1/2". 

This dinosaur footprint in cretaceous limestone on the banks of the Paluxy River is approximately 30 cm (one foot) across, and located with similar tracks. Early excavations in this area revealed human footprints inside the dinosaur tracks leading to rumors that the human prints had claws–later excavations uncovered human footprints up to 64 cm long (25 inches) next to the dinosaur prints—this discounted the doubters. A human hand print was also found. This confirms that dinosaurs occupied the arbitrary and spurious "cretaceous" period of geological history. Human prints contemporary with dinosaurs contradict modern evolution theories because mankind was not to evolve for another 75 to 100 million years. 

giants giants

giants giants

giants giants

giants giants


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