The Legend Of El Chupacabra

The Legend Of El Chupacabra 

The Word "Chupacabra" is derived from Spanish where "Chupar" means Sucking , "Cabra" Which Means Goat.If We translate it into English then it means Goat Sucker.

                                                 Pics : Chupacabra

The Famous And Legendary Blood Sucking Creature Or Chupacabra First came to Highlight in the summer of 1975 When Mass animals In Puerto Rico were Found Dead.

The dead Body Of Animals Had Strange Holes Like Marks On their Necks.Farmers Complained That Their Hundreds Of animals were being sucked to dead, and the interesting case was that the animals were nor eaten but mutilated or totally drained of the blood.

The most Interesting evidence comes here where in the year of 1991 a Dog was found dead with nothing inside.It was totally sucked out through the eyes and It had empty eye sockets and all the internal organs were gone.

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The Carnage of Chupacabra were not only confined to Puerto  Rico  but  also the similar reports were coming from Dominican republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Brazil, Peru and the US.

To this day also the recent cases of attacks on the animals are coming from south american countries like Argentina and Chile but still this Mysterious and terrifying creature hasn't been captured nor anyone has guarantee the existence of this animals so called "Chupacabra"

                                                                           Pics : Chupacabra
                                                                               Pics : Chupacabra
                                                      Pics : Chupacabra

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