Jenglot -The Mysterious Creatures


Jenglot is described as a living, creepy mummy about 15cm to 20cm length, with staring eyes and long nails. The body's flesh appears fossilized. The face of a jenglot is shaped like a skeleton or a zombie with prominent canines and long hair on its head that is said to be able to grow over time. The feet are purported to be joined, giving it a mermaid-like appearance.

Jenglot 'keepers' feed their creature with blood, either animal blood (goat) or human blood. The jenglot is said to not drink the blood directly. The person places the jenglot near the blood, but the jenglot doesn't even move or touch the blood. It is said that the jenglot will get the nutrients of the blood in their own way.

Lately in Indonesia found a creature that is very creepy and mysterious . Suddenly there is only being mysterious become people discussion. This creature has small body with no more than 12 cm and a length of hair, and rarely pass rigid foot. People called it ‘ JENGLOT”. It said that jenglot is not a dead object. It seems he lives, but nothing ever know when to move. Some kind of ghost, that suddeny appear. If you view it from another angle, from the paranormal perspective, jenglot is a kind of "mummy" that perhaps 300 years old.

JENGLOT been examined by forensic experts. 10.65 cm round object, like a creepy doll that has the same head, body, hands and feet and hair straggling along the 30 cm. The size of each appear proportional. However, the size of clutches canine fingers and very long. The Canine almost as long as the size of the head, long nails and also sharp. Every 15 hours on Friday, jenglot given the drops of blood a mixed with javaron oil as if many people give flowers as offerings for ritual.

No one is to know whether the blood is actually drunk or not by being 37.2 grams creatures. In the jenglot body there is still life. Sign of life that can be seen from the eyes of the ball can move at any time and the hair and nails stretching. Really jenglot is alive or at least been alive?


The findings jenglot with snake body and the head kind of human being . This creature scandalize people in Bojonegoro District, still in Indonesia. It founded by old man near the river besides his house. Jenglot with the form of a circle with her snake body and the head shaped like a human being long in the back. He called as woman jenglot with long blonde color. Jenglot findings with the body around 18 centimeters, long approximately 20 cm. At the front there are two white eyebrow lengthwise, with staring eyes, and have two canine. The length of the body until the tail-panhandle-estimated at 90 cm. In addition, two-armed in the chest, with fingers and nails black sweep.

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