Most Tattooed woman

Isobel Varley is a 71 year old british lady who is completely addicted to tattoos. This addiction started in 1986 (she was 49 years old then) when Isobel and her husband visited a tattoo convention in London. Her life tranged forever. She was amazed by the beauty of the tattoos, and also by the fact that the tattooed people there were nice normal people with all types of professions. It was right there that she decided to get a tattoo too, and what was to be only a little bird on her back evolved into an addiction (she got her second tattoo the same day she got her first) that soon spread over her entire body and life. She never stopped getting tattoos, and even shaved her head to use it as a canvas. But she says she does have a limit: her face will not be touched. But all the rest will, and that means her head, limbs, belly, back... and even "down there" (yes, you know what I mean!).

Her website is really interesting to visit. In "My Story" (I put a link below) she tells her story and shares lots of pictures of her being tattooed and all of her tattoos (some are very graphic, be warned), from the first one to the most recent ones (the recent are mostly touch ups, since she already covered nearly all of her body, except for her face, the soles of her feet, and some areas on her hands and ears). She is registered in the Guinnes World Records as The World’s Most Tattooed Senior Woman since 2000. Some of the tattoos are very pretty, others not so much. But hey, she's having her fun and that is what matters!

I really liked to know her story and visit her website. It's nice to see someone doing what she wants, not caring for what others may think or say. It's a good lesson for all of us, not only in terms of tattoos but in all the areas of our lifes. I recommend this site, and I don't have any tattoos! :)


Exclusive Tattooed Chicks Interview With Isobel Varley

Isobel Varley You got your first tattoo aged 49, did you think that your love for them would go as far as it has?

I only expected to have the odd one or two tattoos but once started it was virtually impossible to stop.

What initiated your interest in tattoos?

When I went to my first tattoo convention I saw how beautiful they could be and I also saw that tattoos were acceptable for anybody, not just one group of people in society.

Do you enjoy the process of getting tattooed?

I don't like the pain but the finished work is the carrot and the pain is soon forgotten.

What is the story behind the theme on your head?

I asked the tattooist to do something really different and I just left it to him and it was not until the work was quite advanced that I had any idea what the theme was.

What is it like being an icon for many tattooed women out there?

I am always happy to answer people's questions and I don't really think of myself as being any different a person to that which I was before I had tattoos.

What are your future plans regrading tattoos and life in general?

I get pleasure out of meeting like minded people and hence I enjoy going to tattoo conventions.

Is there anybody over the years that has influenced you and made you into who you are today?

I don't think there has been any significant external influence.

What does your friends and family think of your love of tattoos?

Some people don't comment whilst others say that what I do with my body is up to me and they like to see what I have had done.

What is it like being a Guinness World record Holder?

Never really think about it.

Is there anything else you wish to say?

There are various forms of body modification that people have and some I am not particularly keen on but I do not criticise them for having them. I never try to force my opinion on others about tattooing and I think that having a tattoo is a personal decision and should be thought about very carefully.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Isobel for taking the time to do this interview

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